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K1WTX, Jerry Hume, Candidate for Director in Dec 2018 Election 

Name:  Jerry Hume
 Turner, ME
ECARS History:

Member Since:   2011, Member #1946
Previous Offices / Duties:  None
Current Net Control Operator:   Yes, Net Control Op. on Monday from 0845 to 1000.

Other Amateur Radio History:
      Ham since 2006, obtaining Extra Class in 2008.  Earned WAS from ARRL and OMISS.  Currently working on 200 country DXCC endorsement.  Active in daily 75 meter regional ragchew and public service nets.  L
ong time member of ARRL. 

Community Activities:
I was active from 1980 to 1992 with the local Boy Scout troop, serving as Asst. Scoutmaster as well as several committee positions over the years. Before electronic ballot counting became the norm.  I have served several times as a ballot clerk during local and national elections.

Personal Comments:

    I served in the U.S. Air Force from 1965 to 1969, then worked for RCA in Lewiston, ME until 1971 when they closed the plant, at which point I went on to New England Telephone and Telegraph from which I retired (and which had become Verizon by the time I retired). During those years I held a 2nd class FCC Radiotelephone license and did some moonlighting for a local land mobile outfit.

As well as ham radio, I am a weather nut, an interest I've had since grade school. I've been the local weather observer since 1974 and I'm also the NWS cooperative observer here in town, reporting to the NWS forecast office in Gray, ME. I'm also active in Skywarn during severe weather.