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KD4IZ, Jack Spitznagel, Candidate for Vice President in Dec 2023 Election

Name: Jack (John K.) Spitznagel  
QTH: Parkton, MD
ECARS History:

Member Since: approximately 2018. Lifetime member #40057
Previous Offices/Duties: NCS since 2019, Elections Committee 2019, Director 2020-2022, V.P. 2022-23
Current Net Control Operator: Yes, Wednesday 11-12.

Other Amateur Radio History:
Licensed in 1978. First became interested in radio while growing up in North Carolina, becoming an avid SWL and AM broadcast DX’er. A neighbor introduced me to amateur radio around 1961. I discovered then that my father had always wanted to get a license too. We started working on our novice ticket together but we never could manage the 5-hour drive to the nearest FCC offices.

In spite of many interruptions, I never lost my interest in radio and continued to experiment and SWL. In 1971, I enlisted in the USCG and after basic training was quickly assigned to become an electronics technician. After that was assigned to crypto communications school, then to a tour on the USCGC Chase.  Mid-enlistment, I was asked to teach and transferred to the USCG Electronics TRACEN in NY.

I earned my amateur license after discharge and have been active since. After many years as a legacy Advanced licensee, I earned Extra class in 2016. Following my example and urging, my dad John, N4CGY, earned his license in the early 1980’s. He is still active at 100.

Current primary station: IC-7300 with an Elecraft KPA500 feeding a Carolina Windom 160 or a GAP Titan DX vertical.

Over the years I have volunteered for a number of positions with local clubs and regional organization with experience as an officer in some. Currently, in addition to serving as an NCS for ECARS, I am active on technical, instructor, and VE teams with my home club (K3AE Shrewsbury, PA), serve in the Baltimore County ACS organization where I am NCS for the Maryland D-Star MidAtlantic Net once a month. Recently I have begun to serve as a news editor for AMSAT News. I also serve as trustee for the USCGC Taney Radio Group callsign, NR3DT.

Personal Comments:
I am now fully retired from dentistry and the biotech industry, so have dedicated my hobby time to serve in “pay-forward” positions where I have the interest and the time to help the hobby the way it helped me. The call to further serve ECARS as a Director is that golden opportunity to help return what ECARS has provided me; freely offered support and companionship, particularly when I was operating mobile or just looking for help while checking out my equipment. Your support for my continued service as Vice President will be appreciated.

I enjoy mini-farming, camping, backpacking, hiking, SCUBA diving, and fly fishing. I try to combine my radio interests with my other hobbies (well maybe not SCUBA diving… yet!) and I am looking forward to doing some SOTA and POTA activations now that the weather is cooler. Come join me up on The Appalachian Trail when you are free some weekend when I'm doing trail maintenance.  

Thanks much for your support!