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N1MJS, Matt Sapienza, Candidate for Director in Dec 2023 Election

Name: Matt Sapienza
QTH: Nashua, NH
ECARS History:

-  Member Since: 2015. Lifetime member #10132
-  Previous Offices/Duties: NCS
-  Current Net Control Operator: Yes

Other Amateur Radio History:

Hello and Greeting fellow ECARS Members.  i was 1st licensed as N1ZGN on 19 may 1997 and then passed my General license test in the fall of 2015.   I am currently a US Army Mars Radio Operator and General Class VE.    I applied For Vanity call of N1MJS (my 1st/middle/last name) i felt it was time for a change. I'm active on most VHF/UHF bands, both Simplex/Repeaters Analog/YSF/C4FM digital mode including 1.2 meters as well as HF/6/2m SSB

Community Activities:
  I Served for 10 years in the 211TH Military Police Headquarters Massachusetts Army National Guard as a 88 Mike (Truck Driver/Mechanic) and Worked as my sections RTO/commo Person in charge of PMCS (Maintenance of are radio comms/comsac) Programming Are Singars Radios. was Stationed at Fort drum NY June/2002-April-2003 to assist and help are military police line units for 6 month rotations in Afghanistan. We Shipped out to Kuwait/Iraq in April/2003 for a 6 month rotation. I enjoy all forms of radio commnications and really enjoying being a ecars net control station.

Personal Comments:
Happy Holiday's and Happy New Year and may 2024 be a better year for us all!!!