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NJ2US, Jeff Doran, Candidate for Director in Dec 2023 Election

Name: Jeff Doran
QTH: Woodbine, NJ
ECARS History:

Member Since: Early 70, original membership. Lifetime member #2055
Previous Offices/Duties: Director since 2017
Current Net Control Operator: Saturday 10-11 and Frequent Fill In NCS.  

Other Amateur Radio History: First licensed as a Novice in 1971, receiving Call Sign WN2CGH. Over the years, I upgraded to Advanced Class.  My QTH is in the heart of the New Jersey Pinelands Preserve, bordering the Belleplain State Forrest. Brackish wetlands and virtually no industrial RFI, make for a optimal operating environment. I enjoy DX and net operations.

Community Activities: 
ARRL, Cape May County NJ RACES/ARES, Cape May Amateur Radio Club, Southern Counties Amateur Radio Association (SCARA), Shore Points Amateur Radio Club (SPARC), Deputy Director, Office of Emergency Management, Woodbine Borough, NJ 

Personal Comments: 

It has been a pleasure serving as a Fill In NCS for ECARS. My history with ECARS dates back to the early 70's, when I was issued ECARS #2055. I have since registered as a member for life. I served as NCS many times as a High Schooler between 1973 and 1976. Then life intervened and I took a few years off to work a career and raise my family.

I am a retired Police Officer, who has started a second career in the Homeland Security industry. I am also an active general aviation pilot, and involved deeply in the maintenance and operation of our local municipal airport.

My background also includes long tenures in Emergency Management, so I enjoy maintaining my present station in tip top operating condition with back up power, Legal Limit capability, and multiple 40 meter antennas designed to best serve our check ins to ECARS.

It would be an honor to be able to give back to ECARS via service as a Director, and I'd be honored to have your vote. I am readily available via all  the normal communication channels should you have any ideas how we can maintain ECARS as the best service net on 40 meters.