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Interference is a fact of life
for Amateur Radio operation, whether its caused by
natural phenomena, other amateur operations, foreign
broadcast station operations, spurious emissions from
nearby equipment, or the intentional behavior of someone
emitting RF for the express purpose of disrupting
While all interference is unwelcome, and more or less
disruptive, not all interference is harmful in the sense
that it prevents effective communications. For
purposes of this protocol, Harmful interference is that
which precludes, or significantly disrupts effective
Deliberate interference is that man made interference
specifically engaged in by the offender for its ability
to disrupt effective communication.
The purpose of this Radio Interference Protocol is to
establish a process whereby ECARS Net Control Operators
can report Harmful
Deliberate interference to ECARS
operations. It does not apply to foreign
broadcasts, inadvertant interference, partially
overlapping SSB operations, or other short term and
normal interference experienced on the amateur bands.
It can be difficult sometimes to establish that
interference is deliberate. The Net Control
Operator must use his experience and judgement in making
that determination.
Our first objective, in dealing
with deliberate and harmful interference, is to avoid
providing positive reinforcement to the offender.
1. Do not talk to the offender
2. Do not make on-air remarks about the offender
3. Ignore the interference, no matter how bad it is.
4. Resume and continue Net Control.
Our second objective, in dealing with deliberate and
harmful interference, is to report it to proper
authorities in real time.
a. The
ECARS President, Vice President, and Net Manager
should be notified.
b. The ARRL and FCC may be notified as deemed
Our third objective, is to document the interference.
This is something that may be too difficult for the
active NCS to perform. However, many of us have
loggers, such as HRD, that can record the audio from our
rigs. All WebSDR stations have a recording
capability. If ECARS members can capture recordings of
the deliberate interference, it is requested that they
send copies to the
Net Manager. The Net Manager will
collect this evidence and make it available to the ARRL
and FCC if they successfully locate the offender.
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Please keep in mind:
- The act of notifying ARRL and FCC authorities should
only be taken if the deliberate interference has been
harmful and
protracted, such as over serveral sessions
or for several days. An isolated instance cannot
be located by the FCC. There has to be an
expectation of continued and repeating acts to allow the
FCC to isolate the offender.
- the language used by the interfering station, language
often called "obscene" or "dirty" is irrelevant to the
FCC. Obscenity is almost impossible to define
and/or prove. It does not matter what you or I
think about it.
- what is important is that the frequency was already in
use, that the interference prohibited communication,
that the interfering stations failed to identify in
accordance with FCC regulations. These things
carry weight with the FCC.
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