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KB3USA, Jack Tyler, Candidate for Vice President in Dec 2017 Election

Name: Jack Tyler
QTH: Erie, PA
ECARS History:

Member Since: 2003. Lifetime member #30217
Previous Offices/Duties: ECARS Webmaster 2015-2016; I am the current ECARS VP since being elected in 2016. I started and maintain ECARS Facebook Group page.
Current Net Control Operator: No 

Other Amateur Radio History: I have been a HAM since 1992, with the original call sign of KB3BDM.  I upgraded to General then Extra Class license in 2003 then I also changed to my current vanity call sign, KB3USA.  I am an ARRL member and have been active with the local Erie, PA amateur radio clubs since I was first licensed as a "Technician".  In July 2005 I was invited by Jim Davis WH6Q a member of the club for the USS Missouri BB-63 Battleship, KH6BB, I helped with volunteer work to help restore its radio room to its original WW2 appearance.
I became a regular check-in to ECARS after checking in with Luke Laurentano, KA1SE, because of Luke's popularity as a Net Control Station.

Community Activities:
Active in my Neighborhood Watch Group.

Personal Comments:
I earned a private pilots license in 1967.  I served in the US Navy as a Second Class Electricians Mate during the Vietnam era aboard the USS Charleston, LKA-113 home port Norfolk, VA.  I retired from GE Transportation Erie, Pa in 2009, where I was lead product product designer of freight and passenger locomotives for 37 years.   In addition to Ham radio I enjoy retirement because I don't have to get up to an alarm clock and I can set my own daily schedule. I enjoy doing minor home improvements, photography and gardening. We also have 2 Golden Retriever dogs that are fun to travel with.  My wife and I enjoy visiting both of our daughters that both reside in Pittsburgh,PA. My wife of 47 years, Patti, and I became first time grandparents to a healthy grandson on 22 November 2017. This will be a new and enjoyable experience to attain the title Grandfather.