HD8M DXpedition to Galapogos Islands - September 2017

ECARS member Ellis Rud, N1MWJ, #10103, was one of five operators on a DXpedition to Isabella Island of the Galapagos Islands from 14-21 September 2017. The week long DXpedition had a call sign of HD8M. For Information on HD8M go to http://www.hd8m.com/.  

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The HD8M DXpedition has ended on Isabella Island of the Galapagos Islands. ECARS' own Ellis Rud,N1MWJ, 10103, was a member of the DXpedition and he reported that they were on the air between 0500 & 2300 Galapagos time (GMT-6). We hope you were able to make a connection with HD8M.   

Below are some Picture received from Ellis on the DXpedition.

Beautiful Island Sceen

40 m loop and a 160m long wire as well as the hex beam.

Another view sent to us by Ellis HD8RET aka N1MWJ

A local Resident - An Iquana Blends right in

Another happy local resident.

Still another local - this tortise seems to be getting around fine

On The Air - Working the DXers